
The Odd Dog Shop

Created by Leia Barrett

The Odd Dog celebrates those quirky rescue dogs who capture our hearts from the moment we see them. This 32-page illustrated, full color children's book is the story of a dog adjusting to living with a family for the first time.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Here's your July Update!
4 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 05:23:05 PM

Greetings everyone! I hope your July has been absolutely wonderful so far. I have been navigating the Backerkit survey for the first time and absolutely LOVE it! I'm taking the time to do it right, so please be patient.

I'll be sending out the survey now even though delivery will take a few months, but don't worry! You'll have a chance to change your responses when we get closer to the delivery date. I'll be sending out regular updates so you know what's happening with The Odd Dog.

Pre-order store is now open!

If you know someone who missed the campaign, they are welcome to visit the Pre-Order Store. I even added a few fun items, including signed hardcovers of my first book, The Goldilocks Quartet, which was recently featured by Indies Today as one of their Top 5 Children's Books That Celebrate Music and Dance. You'll also have an opportunity to donate a Rose the Owl Plush to the Power of 10 Foundation. Katherine is a fellow author and is passionate about putting these plushies into the hands of kids who need them.

A quick note of THANKS!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 06:39:04 PM

Greetings everyone!

I'm sorry for the delay on this post-- my Mom came into town to celebrate the campaign, and family comes first!

I'm so grateful to all of you for your incredible outpouring of support. Here are just a few quick updates:
  1. Surveys will be going out next week. The surveys will ensure your orders and information is still accurate, though it will be a few months as we roll out the various rewards. I will do my best to ensure rewards are distributed in a timely manner with regular updates. :)
  2. I will be offering pre-orders on select items such as books, stickers, etc., but a few items were only available during the campaign such as getting your dog illustrated into the book. I may offer those rewards within the survey as a final opportunity to you, the loyal backers, but they're closed to the public.
  3. If you have any specific questions about your rewards, you are welcome to contact me directly and I'll do my best to help!

Again, thank you so much for your support. I hope the book lives up to your expectations; we will do our best to ensure it does!

Stay tuned, and have a wonderful week. WE DID IT!


Leia B

Only 40 hours left for The Odd Dog!
4 months ago – Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 05:38:18 AM

It's been a wonderful campaign, but it's over in less than two days! I'm absolutely floored by the outpouring of love and support for The Odd Dog. Thank you to everyone for your help!

Before the campaign ends, here are the few things you should know:

Pre-ordering is still possible after the campaign, but I will be closing the door on the following add-ons:
  1. Your dog illustrated into the book
  2. Your pack illustrated into the book
  3. Custom Sketch of your Odd Dog (my illustrator creates an original sketch of your dog, delivered as a PDF)

Illustrations are mostly done except for getting new dogs in the book. My illustrator just had a baby, so it'll take a little time. In the mean time, I'll reach out to everyone who purchased a Pampered Pooch Package to get a bit more info as we prepare the dog park and pool scene.

We're THIS close to our $5,500 goal. As promised, my first 50 backers will get an extra sticker. Everyone who has pledged so far will also receive a custom greeting card. (note: if you purchased the Digital Doggy package it will be a PDF only). I don't know if it's possible, but I also have some fun plans for $6,000 and for 100 backers, so share out the campaign to unlock these gifts!

Thank you all, and have a wonderful day,


Let's talk about teamwork!
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 02:16:00 PM

Greetings everyone!

When I was planning to launch The Odd Dog, I decided to use Backerkit because it's the only crowdfunding platform that allows you to collaborate with another creator.

I immediately knew I wanted to collaborate with fellow author Katie Lockwood as she launched a campaign to create a plush stuffed animal of her main character, Rose the Owl.

Her book, Why Me, Mama is a beautiful story about Rose the Owl being afraid to invite other animals to her party because she's different. As she invites her woodland friends, she discovers they have differences too and are happy to be included. Katie is passionate about providing authentic and empowering disability representation for children and her plush characters are an extension of that mission. She plans to create plushies for each character in the story to provide comfort and cuddles to little ones who frequently spend time in the hospital due to their diagnosis. 

In the last few days of her campaign, Katie is trying to donate seventy-five plushies to children with rare Moebius syndrome (her daughter Rose's diagnosis) and needs 25 more donations to meet that goal.  If you'd like to give a plush to a child in need, you can do so here. 

PLUS-- When you support both The Odd Dog and Rose the Owl Plush, you get bonus rewards from BOTH of our campaigns!

As always, I am so, so grateful for your support of The Odd Dog. If you can, I hope you will consider pledging to Katie's campaign as well.

Thank you all, and stay tuned for more updates!


Leia B

We've met our funding goal! 🎊Hooray!!🎊...Now what?
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 09:56:52 AM

What an exciting turn of events for The Odd Dog!! Thanks to friends, family, and well-wishers, the campaign has reached its funding goal with a few days to spare!

You might be asking-- what does that mean?

  • Your pledges will turn into actual factual rewards following the campaign's completion. 
  • You can edit your pledge any time before June 17th if you want to make changes
  • Following the campaign, you'll receive a survey that outlines your rewards and gives you the ability to add anything you forgot
  • You have been instrumental in bringing The Odd Dog to the next stage!

If you pledged for a custom reward like getting your dog illustrated into the book, I'll be getting information from you about your dog. There are two places your dog can be an extra in the book

A Dog Park-- this page will expand out so it's a whopping 40 inches!

OR a Cool Pool Scene

So Leia (you might be asking yourself)-- does this mean you can take it easy this weekend?

I COULD, but nope! There are a few special projects that I'd LOVE to announce, but I want to reach a few milestones first.

If we reach $5,500, 100 backers, or $6,000, I have a few great ideas I'd love to share with you.

If we don't reach these goals, that's cool, but if we do I promise that everyone who has pledged so far will benefit! Maybe it's a special drawing, maybe it's a cool reward, we'll just see!

I'm thrilled to be taking part in the opening of a new library in my hometown, so we'll see if that event can take us over the edge, but if you'll share out at least one more time, I KNOW we can meet these stretch goals.

Thanks, as always, for your support and for making this project a reality. You are appreciated I am incredibly grateful!

Have a wonderful day,

Leia B